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Thursday, September 20, 2007
Oceans, boats, fish and beer.Finished the day yesterday in the skiff. Steve caught Dog Fish, Scups, and a Black Sea Bass (I think that's what is was). We were fishing in the boat for over 4 hours. I caught about 12 Scups. All went back in, unharmed.
The weather yesterday was very overcast and very calm. No wind at all. The water seemed very quiet and very few people are left around here. All going back to other lives off the water and getting ready for fall.
All week long we have seen the Blue Fish swimming in the water, We thought they were feeding on the little fish. When we had the skiff out yesterday, we saw the Blue Fish again. This time we went to look. There were thousands of them. Everywhere! They were not eating anything. They weren't chasing anything, either, Just swimming in schools. It was really weird to see so many.
After fishing we ate pizza, drank more beer and watched another Red Sox game. Ouch!
This morning I got up, headed out the door early (vacation early-9:20 Am) and rode the old bike to Bourne's old town center. There's a library there, and thanks to their internet access, I have been able to add in some photos.
I went in the Jonathon Bourne Historical Center. Not open so headed over to the library. Will come back to the museum later.
Heading back out on the water with Steve. perfect day today. Still and sunny and warm.
Not sure what else will be up for the last few days but likely more sightseeing, a trip over to Sandwich, more fishing, more beer, and at least one more bike ride. # posted by Michelle Grainger @ 8:20 AM