Fitness News
About Michelle
Fitness Training News
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Double Training DayAfter the last few days of riding in very cold temperatures, it was nice to have a great double training day. Actually a triple if you count resistance training, too.
The best thing about Tuesdays is that Steve and I don't work until 2PM. That means plenty of training time and dog time before work.
So out the door mid morning with the Girls and onto the Red Shack Trail, over to the Church Trail, down the Antler Trail, back to the Red Shack and home free onto the barn trail.
Great hike. A little over an hour of trail time and the temp warmed up to about 50 degrees.
We got home just in time to sneak in the Business Loop. It was a treat to be able to wear short sleeves and only knee warmers. Of course, with shorts.
The pace was pretty quick to the start of the double track. Got there in about 34 minutes. Not bad since my quads were tired from lifting last night. It wasn't until about the half way mark that I started to ride really slow. My legs just didn't want to go any fasted on the climb than about 9.5 mph. Usually do it in 10.5-11.
Still the views were awesome. It snowed quite a bit up in the mountains and the mountains looked awesome.
When we got to Gold Hill, there was quite a bit of snow still on the ground. We only got a dusting at our house so it was fun to ride in some snow.
Made it home just in time for both of us to get to work on time. # posted by Michelle Grainger @ 8:50 PM