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Fitness Training News
Friday, October 19, 2007
Great Boulder Mountainbike Alliance party Wednesday night was the BMA board member voting and hob knob with soon to be elected officials to the Boulder City Council. And well, just an all around fun time. Many people there with the same goal. Get more trails and bike friendly riding areas in Boulder.No photos. Was too busy eating the great BBQ food from Paul Roberts, drinking great beer from Oskar Blues, and having a good time. Good time to meet new folks with like interests.
I really feel BMA, IMBA, the City and County officials, Mountain Parks and Open Space, are interested more than ever to get things done.
If you can't be a member, than donate some money. If you can't donate money, donate your time. If you can't do any of it, spread a good word. Just do something to keep these efforts alive. # posted by Michelle Grainger @ 12:00 AM