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About Michelle
Fitness Training News
Friday, October 26, 2007
More riding funSo, it must seem like I don't have anything else to do but hike the Girls and ride with Steve. Well, wish that was the case. I work afternoons and evenings. I don't mind eating dinner at 9 going to bed at midnight. It means I can ride and hike, and visit friends, and....
Look at views, that still I find incredible, even after 15 years of doing the same rides, and...
Find new little trails through my favorite trees, and....
And find quartz rocks along the way.
We found some new areas to explore. Not enough time on this ride so we'll have to come back another day. Many jeepster erosion made trails here but off to the back, where no one would think to look, we found some trails. Another day. Another ride...... # posted by Michelle Grainger @ 12:20 AM