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Fitness Training News
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Great Riding, Great New Prez and Great Weather.Sunday's ride was about s good as a winter ride can be. It's incredible. 60-something degrees and rising. OK, so a little windy but I'm not complaining. Wind doesn't bother me. Well, maybe a little but I love riding when I don't have to wear everything I own.
We (Stevo, me and Joanne) headed for the Fruit Loops. Not much ice left on the rads so no worries there. Saw a lot of riders out.
Headed out 66 past Paul (again) and had to say, hello. Still the wind was pretty mild.
It was getting so warm I had to ditch (store) my jacket, my overmits, my vest, and that was about all I could fit into my pockets. Good thing I didn't bring more clothes.
We have now named a new loop. There is the 5 mile "Small Box Loop", there is the "Large Box Loop" which is about 9 miles long (or extra, if you need more miles without going too far in any one direction), and then the is now the "Huge Box Loop". That loop adds in 13 miles and has great views of the mountains.
On the Huge Box Loop we encountered heavy winds. Kind of made us wonder why we went for the extra miles. So much wind out this direction there's the famous Leaning Barn. Guess if I headed out east, more often, I'd have known about this.
And there are the Famous Cheetos! Yahoo for orange dye number something!
# posted by Michelle Grainger @ 12:36 PM