Fitness News
About Michelle
Fitness Training News
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Boulder Cyclist Encounters Moutain LionBoulder Cyclist Takes On Mountain Lion!
A few more days and I turn another year older. Younger? 38?39? Have to ask Linnie Twinnie. Can also ask ET. (Evil Twin in Fruita)
If I don't write anything here (often), than go to my Face Book page and look there. Seems I write there more often, right now. Hard to keep up with both.
Been busy hanging onto work. Actually I love my clients and they are riding and doing really well. Time s are so tuff for so many people. I've lost gym work, several of my friends are out of work and I think everyone I know is at least losing 10%. Yikes. I sure hope things get stable soon.
Not a lot new. Still hiking the Girls 1-2 hours every day. It really is great cross training. They love it and I love it, too. Still running some-3-4 miles with them. Not as often as my legs have been tired.
Steve and I went for a 29 mile ride today and we figured out that I have about 650 miles for the year. Not bad. Have to thank Global Warming or El Nina, or whatever is causing us to have 50 and 65 degree days in the middle of winter. Yikes! I'm waiting for that 5 footer in March. The kind that makes us think our house will collapse. I remember two winters ago when Steve had his knee surgery. Snowed every three days. I had to break trail on the Local dog trails and the Girls were wearing out their winter coats. I think I've only shoveled the driveway twice this year.
Uncle Bob and Steve are going to add a footer under the house tomorrow. That should put our minds at ease.
Probably only going to lift tomorrow. Well, and hike. That's a given. The Girls get a hike (or two) every day.Need a day for the legs to recover. Can bike commute on Friday as it is supposed to be 60 degrees. Then on sat we are going for the century.
If you're local-remember the BMA (Boulder Mountain BIke Alliance) banquet and auction is Friday night. # posted by Michelle Grainger @ 11:38 PM