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Fitness Training News
Friday, May 29, 2009
4071 YTD and Then The Big Fat Car Accident! OK. Haven't been here for a while. Did the great ride on the Ward 150 and then a few shorter rides and then I got hit by a car.Broken ribs, lots of bruises, lots of cuts, and many many stiff body parts. Oh yes.... and my identity, my bike, well, it's toast. Burnt toast that is. A throw a way.
I wondered when my time would come.I think everyone I know has been there. Just never thought it may happen. And let me tell you, it does hurt.
So now Steve is trying to rebuild one of his bikes (we actually ride the same size bikes) and get me going again until it/the accident is all settled. Have to change several things. The pedals, the stem, the bars, and the seat. I think almost everything else can be the same.
I am very very sore. I have had a lot of x-rays and seen lots of docs. This really is no fun-not that anyone would think so.
I am trying so hard to heal and maintain my life as normal as I can. I am very resilient. I am of hardy stock.
I got on a bike today for the first time in 7 days-since the accident. Oh man, not an easy thing. It was on a very upright, hard tail mountain bike. I was able to go 45 minutes before getting sore. I mean, we're talking 13-14 mph, not the usual 17-19 that I'm used to.
My own training plan had me doing 150-200 last weekend and another 100 on Wednesday to get another stacked week in before the Brevet season headed into full swing-into the big miles. Didn't do it. Got one mile and of course today's recovery ride and assessment ride. uuhhhggg!
I rode by the accident sight and found myself wondering about it. Don't want to think too hard right now.
Well, I'll keep posting as I gain progress. Have to get back on the horse when things feel better. It's what I do. I am a coach. I am a rider, I am an athlete. It IS how I make my living. # posted by Michelle Grainger @ 8:24 PM