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Friday, November 26, 2010
Four Mile on Fire September, 2010 Book -go get your copy. It's that time of year. Here's a way to give back and give to communities in need.Times are tough for everyone. But they are exceptionally hard for the people and communities that live in the foothills of Boulder, Colorado We (yes, I live in the middle of the fire area) were impacted in more ways than I can explain. This fire change our way of life and will be with us for the rest of our lives.
Four Mile on Fire, September 2010-chronicles the impact and affect on all of our mountain communities- is a wonderful gift, coffee table item, or donation. The book shows how in a horrible disaster, communities and people stick together.
Give a gift with far reaching benefits-"Four Mile on Fire, September 2010"-goes on sale tomorrow in local Boulder stores, coffee shops, book shops. The book describes the incredible impact on the lives of the people that live in the foothills near Boulder.
You can purchase this great book at local book store, coffee shops, and various other places. # posted by Michelle Grainger @ 11:30 AM